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Key contact
Interim CEO of Everest Insurance Chile®
Isidora Goyenechea
2800 Of.3101, Piso 31
Las Condes Santiago Chile
Claims Notice
Mortgage Insurance Claims Notice
In order to file a claim with Everest Compañia de Seguros Generales Chile S.A., please either:
- If you are an ITAU client, we recommend to report your claim in Tu Sitio Privado of Seguros Falabella, at the following link: https://segurosfalaorg.my.salesforce-sites.com/consultatusseguros
- You can report your incident by completing the claims notice here or sending an email to everestclaimsCL@everestglobal.com
Other Claims Notice
In order to file a claim with Everest Compañia de Seguros Generales Chile S.A., please either:
- Send an email to everestclaimsCL@everestglobal.com or,
- Complete and submit the claims notice here
Mortgage Insurance Claims
Other Claims
Meet our leadership team
Everest Insurance Chile®
Business Name: Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A.®
Trade Name: Everest Insurance Chile®
Everest Group, Ltd. is an insurance and reinsurance company with an expansive, global distribution network. The company's segments include Everest Insurance US and Everest Reinsurance US which generates most of the company’s revenue. Additional segments include: Everest Reinsurance International, which of Canada, Asia, Latin America, Brazil, Africa and the Middle East; Everest Reinsurance Bermuda which writes property reinsurance through Bermuda Re, the UK and Ireland Re office; and the insurance segment that risks against property damage.
Annex Rule No. 2131 of the CMF on Customer Service and Presentation of Queries and Complaints
In accordance with Circular No. 2131 of November 28, 2013, insurance companies, insurance brokers and claims adjusters must receive, record and respond to all queries, or claims within 20 business days from submission. Claims or queries can be made in person, by mail, electronic means, or by telephone during normal business hours. The interested party, in case of disagreement with respect to what is reported, or when there is an unjustified delay in the response, may contact the Commission for the Financial Market, Investor and Insured Protection Area, via the website www.cmfchile.cl or, directly at their office located at Av. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins 1449, 1st floor, Santiago; or through the website www.cmfchile.cl
To submit queries or claims, please contact us through the following email ContactoCL@everestglobal.com
Compliance Complaint Line
The purpose of the Compliance Complaint Line is to provide a channel to receive concerns, comments or complaints about irregularities or fraud; acts contrary to the law or eventual crimes; or conducts that may constitute the crime of Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism, Bribery of a national or foreign public official and Reception, as provided in Law No. 20,393 on Criminal Responsibility of Legal Entities.
The communications received through this channel will be treated confidentially, and although they may be made anonymously, it is requested to provide as much information as possible, to collaborate in the success of the investigation.
Email for complaints CumplimientoCL@everestglobal.com
Adhesion to the Council of Self-regulation and Ombudsman of the Insured
Everest Compañia se Seguros Generales Chile S.A. is adhered to the Código de Autorregulación de las Compañías de Seguros (Self-regulation Code of Insurance Companies) and is subject to the Compendio de Buenas Prácticas Corporativas (Compendium of Good Corporate Practices), which contains a set of rules aimed at promoting an adequate relationship between insurance companies and their clients. A copy of this Compendium can be found on the website www.aach.cl. Likewise, it has accepted the intervention of the Defensor del Asegurado (Insured Ombudsman) when clients submit claims in relation to the contracts entered with it. Clients can file their claims with the Defensor del Asegurado using the forms available at the offices of Everest Compañía se Seguros Generales Chile S.A. or through the website: www.ddachile.cl.
View the Everest Privacy Notice here.