Comprehensive reinsurance coverage solutions for continental Europe

We are a leading property and casualty reinsurer in Europe offering a wide range of products to meet our clients' unique needs.  With branches in Zurich and Brussels, we focus on the production and analysis of all classes of European reinsurance and international specialty business. Everest is also a partner for solvency protections and other bespoke reinsurance structures.

Our offering


Löwenstrasse 11
CH-8001 Zurich, Switzerland


3rd Floor, Huguenot House -
35-38 St Stephen's Green
Dublin 2, Ireland

See all Office Locations

Meet our talented continental Europe Reinsurance colleagues

Our people have decades of experience solving some of the industry’s biggest challenges.

Harald Jacobsen
Head of Continental Europe
John Hyland
Head of Underwriting and Marine
Laurent Arnould
Head of Financial Products
Robert Schaetti
Head of Europe Region and Casualty
In the news

"Enterprise Risk" Management? Or Enterprise "Risk Management"?

By Ari Moskowitz, Senior Vice President and Group Chief Risk Officer


A Purpose-Driven Industry

By Jill Beggs, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Everest Reinsurance