Press Releases


Discontinued Products/Completed Operations Coverage
  • Coverage available for manufacturers, distributions, importers and contractors for discontinued products or operations resulting from mergers, acquisitions or business closings.
  • Up to 5 year policy term
  • Available on Occurrence or Claims-Made basis
  • $25K minimum premium; Non-admitted paper

Prior Acts (Nose) Coverage
  • Avoid coverage gaps when converting from Claims-Made to Occurrence trigger
  • Conversion available in one policy period or spread over multiple policy periods to lighten additional premium impact
  • Non-Admitted paper during conversion with Admitted paper available in subsequent policy periods

Large Deductibles/SIR’s
  • Self Insured Retentions and Large Deductibles from $25,000 to over $1,000,000 available
  • Admitted paper available
  • 10 pre-approved TPA’s with ability to evaluate others as needed

Commercial Project-specific policies (No West Coast or NY)
  • Apartments, municipal buildings, street/road/bridge projects, etc.
  • GC-only, Owners interest-only or combined GC and Owner
  • Up to 10 years extended completed operations
  • Up to 2 year term
  • $25K minimum premium; Non-Admitted Paper

Commercial Contractors performing Residential work (No West Coast or NY)
  • Residential work up to 50% of Insured’s operations; Repair/remodel only
  • Admitted paper available
  • Subcontractors only; Sample classes: carpentry, plumbing, roofing, electrical, HVAC, concrete, painting, etc.

Commercial Contractors on the West Coast
  • GC’s or Subs performing non-structural operations. Sample classes: utility, street/road, ornamental steel, sewer/water/gas main, traffic control, demolition, excavation, sign erection, painting, etc.
  • Admitted paper available
  • No Colorado, no residential, no vertical/building GC’s

Crisis Protection Coverage – New in October, 16 for Excess
  • Coverage for Crisis Protection Expenses at an Aggregate Limit of $250,000 and Crisis Protection Loss Aggregate Limit of $50,000.
  • Pre-approved panel of Crisis Protection firms.
  • Automatically attaches to all new and renewal policies at no additional premium.

Multinational, Pollution & Large Limit Excess Capabilities
  • With the assistance of our other Divisions, seamless quotes can be coordinated to offer broad Foreign, Pollution, and Excess limits up to $25M as an addition to our GL coverage