Ethics, Integrity and Compliance

For Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A., ethical behavior and integrity are fundamental in the development of our activity. Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A. as part of the Everest Group, Ltd., is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all its actions, for the benefit of our shareholders, clients, and stakeholders, and in accordance with our own expectations, corporate principles and ethical policies.

We are committed to acting honestly and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards, but above all, we are committed to doing the right thing. This commitment is shared by all directors and employees of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A. To this end, we have a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, approved by the board of directors of the company, which is based on the document Ethical Guidelines and Index of Compliance Policies and Procedures of Everest Group, ltd, the local regulations applicable to the Internal Control System issued by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia and other applicable standards of corporate responsibility, ethical behavior, and legal compliance.

Thus, the company has policies related to the following matters, among others:

  1. Compliance with the regulations applicable to Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A.
  2. The treatment of the company's confidential information and the personal data of our third parties.
  3. The handling of conflicts of interest.
  4. Asset laundering and terrorist financing risk management.
  5. Labor harassment and acts of discrimination.
  6. Receipt of reports and complaints.

Ethics Line

In accordance with the Ethics, Integrity and Compliance Policy of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A., the Ethics Line has been created as a channel through which our employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, stakeholders or interested third parties can anonymously file complaints regarding alleged violations of our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Code of Good Governance and SARLAFT Manual, or any other alleged violation of the company's own policies or the ethical behavior that governs our executives and employees.

This channel is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

How to file a complaint

 Complaints about the Ethics helpline may be submitted through the following channels:


Issues that may be reported through the Ethics Line

No complaints, petitions or claims related to the services of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A. can be made through the Ethics Line. For this purpose, we have the following specific channel:


Phone: +576019191133

Through the Ethics Line it is possible to file complaints related to the following matters

  • Failure of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A. to comply with regulations that may relate to fair business practices, presentation and disclosure of public information, antitrust regulations, prevention of insurance fraud, risk management, among others.
  • Actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest of any director or officer of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A.
  • Suspicious activities or operations of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A. employees, customers, or suppliers.
  • Improper use or manipulation of company information.
  • Gifts or entertainment that may be inappropriate.
  • Violations of the Company's internal policies.
  • Acts of corruption, transnational bribery or crimes committed by employees, customers, suppliers, or shareholders of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A.
  • Acts of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace or discrimination.
  • Procedures related to the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Code of Good Governance, the SARLAFT Manual.

Items to consider when filing a complaint through the Ethics Line

  1. Complaints made through the Ethics Line will be received exclusively by the Compliance Officer of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A., who will be responsible for processing and responding to them.
  2. The Compliance Officer will guarantee the confidentiality of the information regarding the complaint and the complainant. Therefore, if the Complainant decides to provide his/her identifying information in his/her communication, the Compliance Officer will maintain the confidentiality of such information, except when it is necessary to process the request.
  3. The Compliance Officer shall forward the report to the managers of the areas involved in the matter, with a warning that the information must be kept strictly confidential. In no case will the manager or officer who is the subject of the report be informed of the report.
  4. At no time will Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Colombia S.A. take or tolerate any form of retaliation against any third party who makes a report in good faith.

We recommend you review the following Code of Ethics and Conduct:
